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Website Feedback
This website has been built in collaboration with local people who have lived experience of mental health challenges, people running local activities and people providing professional support. Your views really matter to us. If you would like to give us feedback on this site, please get in touch using the form below.
Note that this form is to contact the How Are You team, not any groups, organisations or services, and we cannot forward your query to others.
Do you need help now?
If you need urgent help for yourself or someone you are caring for, please call 111 and select the mental health option for the First Response Service, a 24-hour service for people in a mental health crisis.
This service is for anyone, of any age, who is registered with a GP in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough. Specially-trained mental health staff will speak to you and discuss with you your mental health care needs – instead of you having to go to accident and emergency departments of local acute hospitals.
Activity Organisers
If you run an activity or group in Huntingdonshire and you would like to feature on How Are You Hunts, please send us details by clicking here.
Feedback on Mental Health Services
If you want to share feedback on your experience of accessing mental health services, you can contact the SUN network by clicking here.

The SUN network is an independent organisation, steered by its members, all of whom have lived experience of mental health challenges and/or drug and alcohol misuse. They are there to ensure your voice is heard.
From yoga to singing, sports clubs to arts groups, or perhaps somewhere to talk or get a cup of tea, ideas of local things to do to get a wellbeing boost.
Click HereSupport
Support looks different for all of us. Find out about local services to support all aspects of your wellbeing.
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