If your child/children are eligible for benefit-related free school meals, then they can take part in free activities in the school holidays. As well as keeping them busy so you can work, take a break or look after pre-school children, they'll receive a healthy meal and snacks.
How to contact
Where to go
Available throughout Huntingdonshire District
What to expect
The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme offers free holiday scheme places to eligible primary and secondary school children in Cambridgeshire. This means you can book your child into activities during the Easter, summer and Christmas holidays for free – they will make friends, get to try new activities and be kept busy and safe so you can work, take a break or look after pre-school children. A healthy lunch and snacks are also provided.
To see a list of activity providers near you and to book an activity, visit this webpage.
More information
If your child(ren) is eligible for free school meals, you should receive a voucher with a HAF booking code from holidayactivities.com. If you didn’t receive this link, you can contact the HAF team via [email protected]. There are also additional eligibility criteria, to find out more, visit this webpage.
Parents or carers are advised to book early with the holiday scheme of their choice for each programme to avoid disappointment as places are limited. This is especially important for children with additional needs or SEND. Booking early and fully explaining your child’s needs enables holiday schemes to work with you to consider whether they can offer a safe and suitable environment for your child. Schemes will usually require 6-8 weeks’ notice to assess needs, apply for funding and recruit if additional support is required.
The HAF Programme is managed by Cambridgeshire County Council with Department for Education funding.
The HAF Programme is free.
How to contact
Where to go
Available throughout Huntingdonshire District