Headway Cambridge and Peterborough

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Headway Cambridge and Peterborough works with families where there has been a brain injury, regardless of the cause. Because brain injury affects every family differently, they provide assessment and support plans tailored to the needs of the individual and the family.

Brain injuries are hidden disabilities that can have dramatic impacts on the lives of not only the people they affect, but also their families. These injuries can by due to a stroke, an infection, or a trauma caused by a fall, a road traffic accident, assault or any other cause.

Headway provides support on a one-to-one basis, including community rehabilitation, one to one gym sessions, and help to get back into employment, education or volunteering.

They also run group sessions in Cambridge and Peterborough. These sessions are run by skilled rehabilitation workers, and are designed to help people meet their goals. Activities include creative arts, communication and cognition sessions, supported exercise, mindfulness and adapted sports.

Anyone can refer to Headway and their support is not time limited. Visit their website for more information.

Services that are free of charge include:

  • information and advice;
  • assessment;
  • supported exercise groups;
  • horticultural therapy – growing fruit and veg;
  • bushcraft.

Services that have a cost include:

  • one-to-one work.

Please contact them directly for more information.


How to contact

Where to go

Available throughout Huntingdonshire District

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