Hearing Voices Cambridgeshire

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Hearing Voices Cambridgeshire offer online and in-person peer support groups for adults who hear voices and/or experience visions, tactile sensations or other sensory experiences. They have a website with information, tips and coping strategies and links to other resources.

Many people hear voices and/or experience visions, tactile sensations and other sensory experiences. These may be positive or negative and can affect every aspect of daily life. The Hearing Voices Cambridgeshire website is put together by people who understand and have lived experience. The website provides information, resources, life stories, and links to other organisations.

Peer Support Groups

Hearing Voices Cambridgeshire run fortnightly peer support groups. These are safe, welcoming spaces currently available face-to-face in Cambridge and online via Zoom.

The support groups offer you the opportunity to:

  • Meet people with similar experiences
  • Challenge social norms
  • Share experiences, receive support and empathy
  • Value your contributions
  • Accept that voices and visions are experiences
  • Respect each member as an expert

The groups are peer-led, meaning that members of the group are recognised as experts by experience, and group members are able to steer and lead the group discussion so everyone is supported, included and valued.

In the meetings, members take in turns to share what is going on for them. There is always the option to just listen if you prefer. Hearing Voices Groups are not treatment or group therapy, they are social groups and are a place where people can talk openly about their voices and visions. They are also open to ‘non-patients’ and people who don’t identify as having an illness. There is no fixed length of time people are expected to attend for, this is completely up each individual.

You can find more information about the support groups on the Hearing Voices Cambridgeshire website. If you would like to join, contact CPSL Mind on 0300 303 4363 or [email protected].You will be sent a referral form to complete and return.

More information

Hearing Voices Cambridgeshire is part of an organisation called Hearing Voices Network.

The aims of the network are:

  • To raise awareness of voice hearing, visions, tactile sensations and other sensory experiences
  • To give men and women who have these experiences an opportunity to talk freely about this together
  • To support anyone with these experiences seeking to understand, learn and grow from them in their own way

Badge reading 'Free'

The peer support groups are free to attend, and the online resources on the website are free to access.


How to contact

Where to go

Available across Huntingdonshire District

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