There are several local websites providing information and advice about different aspects of parenting, to support parents and carers in Cambridgeshire.
How to contact
Where to go
Available across Huntingonshire
Cambridgeshire Peterborough Children’s Health website: This NHS website offers expert health advice for families with children and young people. You can find information and advice on a wide range of topics including child development, feeding, eating, sleep and common illnesses. Information is categorised by age group and by theme. It is a free platform run by Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust. Visit the website to find out more.
50 Things to Do Before You’re Five in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough: This is a website and app full of low or no-cost exciting ideas, activities and experiences for parents and families with young children. For each activity the website/app gives information about why it is beneficial for child development, guidance about how to carry it out, and inspiration for local places you can visit as a family, at low or no cost. Visit the website to find out more.
Family Hubs – Start for Life offer: This Cambridgeshire County Council website offer sets out the services and support available to you and your family from pregnancy to your child’s second birthday. Visit the website for more information
Families Information Service: This team at Cambridgeshire County Council provide information, advice and guidance to families about finding childcare and funding options. Their website also contains a Childcare directory. They can offer support for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25 with SEND to find childcare places. Visit the website for more information.
SEND Information Hub for Children and Young People: This Cambridgeshire County Council website provides information about the support that is available locally for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). There is information aimed at children and young people as well as parents. Visit this page for more information.
Child and Family Centres: Across Cambridgeshire there is a network of Child and Family Centres and Zones that provide activities, groups, events and support for families. Visit this site for more information.
How to contact
Where to go
Available across Huntingonshire