St Ives – Royal Air Force Reminiscence at the Norris Museum

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Royal Air Force reminiscence at the Norris Museum is a group for those who served in the RAF and want to pull up a sandbag and chat about their memories.

What to expect

A sociable group of RAF veterans and spouses.  They welcome those dealing with memory loss, as well as those who just want to come along and chat with likeminded people.

They meet on the second Monday of the month at 1.30pm

The Norris Museum aim to make the space as accessible as possible, for as many people as possible.

There is step free & wheelchair accessible entry to the museum.  They have two unisex toilets, one is accessible with baby change faciltities.

They have a quiet place which can be used for breastfeeding or for those who may become overwhelmed during their visit.

Full details on accessibility can be found here

More information

Full directions on getting to the museum, where to park and public transport options are provided on their website

The session is free to attend

There is a small charge for refreshments

How to contact

Where to go

The Broadway
St. Ives
Cambridgeshire PE27 5BX

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